Salesforce announces ‘Industries AI’ for industry-specific prompts


Salesforce recently announced the launch of Industries AI, which is a significant addition to its AI strategy. The name suggests that it is some sort of new cloud but no, it is the name of all the industry-specific AI capabilities already existing clouds, data, commerce, sales, marketing, customer service, financials, etc. will be seeing. When studied in detail it seems like Salesforce just built something on top of its existing Einstein AI technology. It is called Industries AI because the prompts and automation are fine-tuned to almost 15 industries, and any size of business with any type of Salesforce subscription can have access to these AI applications.

Where did Salesforce get this idea from? Well AI is trending cause it’s new and we are yet to explore its limits. In this case, the push came from Salesforce’s report on trends in CRM where it came forth that 700% of managers feel the AI urgency and worry that they might lose in the AI race as they have to create AI automation tools to keep up and be quick. The catch however is that not every company can afford that. Some lack resources, others time and money. Salesforce capitalizes on this.  Bringing in Solutions for every type of business and size in its current clouds. If you fall in the list of these 15 industries you get capabilities for your industry where nothing can stop your operational productivity.

The more your offering and CRM become specific to your industry, the work, and processes, the better you are able to serve your customers and make the lives of your employees easy. A case study featured shows an organization implementing Salesforce Industry Energy and Utilities and sales cloud that transformed the organization to build 31 newly designed customer service processes and integrations across seven applications.

Each of the companies has clouds, which now have industry-specific AI uses. This will enhance automation and AI for every industry’s workflow. 

To explain how these Industry-specific Agnetforce agents will work in every industry cloud, Salesforce also released a use case library featuring 100 plus uses in every industry. The basic one is that these agents can be trained on industry-specific jargon, work models, and workflows around the clock for efficient working.

Let’s look at them all in detail:

Healthcare cloud

Identify patient segments based on demographics, clinical data, and behavior. With this, you can predict patient outcomes, readmissions, and disease progression. When Salesforce has access to patient data and details, it can provide recommendations and medical guidelines.

Financial services cloud

It can identify fraudulent transactions and activities via its tracking in Salesforce data. Financial managers can now assess risk factors for loans and investments. You can predict when a customer is about to withdraw from your services and you can take proactive steps to retain them. With strong predictive analytics, you can provide financial recommendations based on customer data. Provide them with the request for a fee reversal or changing addresses on the services client portal.

Manufacturing Cloud

This cloud is for huge corporations that are running industries. If your company has a manufacturing facility, you can benefit from this cloud’s abilities. It can predict equipment failures and thus schedule their maintenance proactively. With quality control, you can identify defects and quality issues that may arise due to manufacturing processes. Track your supply chain and optimize operations for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Manage inventory at an optimal level by predicting demand.

Retail Cloud

Here you’re all about managing your products and making sales. With predictive AI you can suggest products based on customer preferences and purchase history. In the Marketing Cloud, Identify customer segments to deliver targeted marketing campaigns based on customer behavior. Optimize your inventory levels to avoid stockouts.

Communications Cloud

You can automate routine customer service activities. You get virtual agents that provide 24/7 customer support through AI-powered chatbots. With live Einstein AI chatbots customer service executives get entire customer history which decreases resolution time and increases customer satisfaction.

Automotive Cloud

Use a schedule in the cloud to schedule test drive appointments and vehicle service appointments. Improve inventory management with better search and filter for enhanced visibility. Further, streamline your end-to-end warranty lifecycle from services to settling claims by submitting directly to dealers.

Consumer Goods Cloud

Service reps can deliver world-class customer service with the service app. Efficiently calculate order prices and plan occasional store visits. Leverage CRM analytics to monitor the effectiveness of your trade promotions.


For education in Salesforce, it includes products that give insights across recruitment, admissions, and student success to a unified view for tracking every learner, and teacher’s journey from prospective students to engaged alumni.

In Conclusion, 

Industries AI is a comprehensive set of pre-built highly customizable AI capabilities. These prompts are created to address industry-specific needs. Industry-specific Agents Force agents that will work in every industry cloud, these agents can be trained on industry-specific jargon and work models and thus work around the clock for efficiency. With its use cases in various industries, you can understand how it specifically benefits various industries be it government, healthcare, education, etc.

Looking to enhance your CRM capabilities specific to your industry, reach out to us for Salesforce services from implementation, integration, and customization to migration. Contact us today.

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