Salesforce Flow vs Apex: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Automation Tool


When starting out with automating business processes, Salesforce offers users the ability to choose between either Salesforce Flow vs Apex. Both tools have their own benefits and shortcomings so making the decision between the two can often be a challenge. 

No need to worry however, keep reading this blog to understand the main difference between the two. That’ll allow you to make the correct decision about which tool meets your needs more than the other. 

Keep reading the article to fully understand your options and get the most leverage out of Salesforce’s automation potential. 

 Understanding Salesforce Flow and Apex

Salesforce Flow:

Salesforce Flow is the automation tool built for everyone. Flow builder makes it easy to automate your business processes thanks to its drag-and-drop interface. It features pre-components that you can simply drop into the platform to automate a process. You need very little coding experience to make the most of this tool.

Salesforce Apex: 

Apex on the other hand is a much more complex programming language. Where it excels is providing users with significantly higher levels of control and customization over the automation modules they implement. However, it’s not possible to make the most of the tool without developer level understanding of coding and programming languages. 

Key Differences Between Salesforce Flow and Apex

Let’s take a closer look at the Salesforce Flow vs Apex breakdown, so you can better understand which tool is going to help your business more.


One of the key things to focus on is the level of complexity. Salesforce flow is a much simpler tool. All it requires is familiarity with the drag-and-drop interface and an understanding of what processes you’d like to automate. However, there can be a few constraints when it comes to the level of automation and customization. 

While Apex might be more complex to use, the automation options and ability to customize means that you have a lot more freedom when it comes to the automations you want to apply. 


What makes Flow an attractive option for so many users is that it doesn’t have very extensive coding requirements. The use of a simple drag-and-drop interface makes it easy for any layman to set up automations and make their business process more efficient. 

While Apex does offer you a greater deal of flexibility and more powerful automation, it’s much more complex to use because it’s a programming language that requires developer expertise. 


When it comes to performance, Apex is much more flexible and offers users the ability to make much more complex automations. If you’re working in a large scale business and require a bit more performance from your automations, then Apex is ideal. 

Flow on the other hand is a simple drag-and-drop builder. While it’s definitely much easier to use, it doesn’t offer the same level of performance capabilities as Apex. 


Apex offers greater flexibility for customization due to the freedom the programming language provides. On the other hand, Flow is much easier to use but it doesn’t offer the same level of flexibility. 

When to Choose Salesforce Flow

Salesforce flow might seem a very appealing option but it doesn’t work in every scenario. There are a few important conditions that you need to consider before picking the correct tool. 

One of the main factors to consider is the complexity of your automation requirements. If you just need to complete simple automations, like approvals, record creations, and data updates, then Salesforce flow is more than sufficient. 

Additionally, if you have more non-technical users, then the visual interface in flow is much easier to understand. It also turns around automations much quicker than automations as it doesn’t offer the same level of complexity. 

When to Choose Apex

On the other hand, Apex is much better for more complex automations. If your requirements are more about custom integrations, batch processing, and involve complex calculations, then Apex is more according to your requirements. 

You also need to keep an eye on your team, if the developers are familiar with Java or Apex, then your team will be able to better utilize the platform. Apex is much more powerful than Flow, it’s capable of complex automations. 

Choosing the Right Tool: A Checklist

  1. Complexity of your automation task: Is it simple or complex?
  2. Technical expertise of your team: Do you have developers with Apex experience?
  3. Time constraints: How quickly do you need to implement the automation?
  4. Future scalability: Will your automation needs grow in the future?

Going through this checklist will allow you to make the correct decision between Flow vs Apex! 


Both Salesforce Flow and Apex offer powerful automation capabilities. By understanding their key differences and use cases, you can make an informed decision about which tool is best suited for your specific needs.

If you require further assistance with Salesforce integration and development, please feel free to contact RT Dynamic

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