Thrive in Financial Services with Salesforce Cloud


As a financial service provider, you’re all about efficiently managing money. This means reducing risks and generating bigger returns. Well, it’s easier said than done, when you have to drive customer-centricity, for 1000’s of your customers. You need to decide in split seconds since time is money, quite literally in your case. The million-dollar question is, what can make all the money decisions easier and less stressful for you as a financial service provider? The answer is to get a tool that shows you a holistic client view showing their financial goals with milestones like education and retirement and a household view where you can easily manage a family’s cash flows. What’s even better if the tool can show you intelligent analytics derived from various sources? The tool is none other than Salesforce Financial Cloud

Problems Faced By The Financial Industry:

Client Onboarding And Management

If you’re a banker or an investor you understand that client onboarding is a major step. It’s the first point where you make an impression. A good experience will make you a lifetime client, that’s exactly what you should aim for. Quite surprisingly, this is the biggest problem financial service providers have and this is where they lose clients, after all, bad experiences lead to bad word of mouth which is the strongest form of marketing. 

Relationship Management

The relationship with your client is not just about wishing ‘Happy Birthday to you.’ Your client expects an expert level relationship with a financial advisor, where the advisor will guide them to cash out on all the wonderful opportunities coming their way. You need to level up your relationship if you want your client for life. The reality is that no one tries to or has the means to build such a relationship.

Achieving Speed And Efficiency

We’ve all been there when we try to open a new bank account and they tell you that “it’s gonna take 2-3 working days” and if you’re unlucky like me, you’ll also hear… But there is a weekend coming so…”. This financial landscape is changing with fintech and micro-financing. Now we’ll be competing for speed, you need a bank account, and you’ll get it, in literally minutes, no more unnecessarily long waiting times.

Collaboration And Communication

Making financial decisions on behalf of others is not easy. We’re talking about high-value investments here. To make a good timely decision you need a good team that is all eyes and ears. You need to be proactive in collaborating on investments and wealth management. If you aren’t doing that, that’s a problem. 

Salesforce For Financial Services

If you’re rethinking your financial services, then you must strive to improve your customer experience. Invest in a customer relationship management platform (CRM) like Salesforce. It gathers customer data from various touchpoints and uses intelligent data processing converting it into actionable insights. These can then be used by your customer-facing teams like marketing, support, and sales to create highly personalized customer experiences.

Salesforce offers the Salesforce financial cloud, built for all financial service providers including bankers, investors, financial advisors, wealth management firms, insurance managers, etc. It’s a complete tool showing 360 clients’ views offering a robust dashboard to a financial service provider.

Benefits of salesforce for financial services

Salesforce for financial services is a game changer for the finance industry. It’s all about pivoting to clients, building relationships, and better connections to third parties and intermediaries. Research, build, partner, and listen to your customers. 

A 360-Household View

View the combined wealth of the entire household. This’s a powerful feature as you can pull the household’s money in bigger investments and offer bigger returns.

Segmentation of clients

Segment your clients into important and least important to focus your efforts. Managing different category clients is easy as you can invite the entire list to events, run campaigns, and track them—filtration and driving more ROI. 

Expert advice on every matter

It captures all the client communication from various touch points and shows a unified view to the whole team. Then you can ask experts from your team to advise on the pressing matter quickly making task management and collaboration a breeze. 

Goal-based planning

With Salesforce financial cloud you can view your client’s financial goals like saving for kids college, buying a mansion by 50, and having enough retirement money till 60. With these goals in view, you can make timely decisions and offer better return opportunities.

Enriched customer experience

With Salesforce financial cloud features you improve the onboarding experience like opening an account. You gain a digital transformation edge which is not an option but a must allowing for faster more efficient processes. Fintech and banking are looking at simplicity, efficiency, and faster services. That’s exactly what Salesforce for financial advisors offers.

How to implement financial services salesforce cloud?

Salesforce is more than buying a subscription. It’s implementing it properly making it a tool that increases the productivity of your employees. This requires careful planning and execution which is possible by working with Salesforce partners that will integrate the Salesforce platform efficiently to your business. They’ll ensure data synchronization and uniformity across banking and other financial tools making sure your data is up-to-date thus the system will show accurate predictions and analytics.

In Conclusion, 

There’s one thing that financial service providers want, giving personalized experiences to their clients. With salesforce financial management you can achieve that. It offers countless benefits like helping manage, and deepen goal-based planning, secure collaboration, and streamlined client engagement. Thus no more coverage gaps, enriched policy lifecycle, and predictive analytics will give you a client’s entire lifetime value. Having Salesforce benefits companies in the financial services industry greatly.

Thinking of implementing the Salesforce financial services cloud for your financial services? Partner with a Salesforce partner firm and reap the benefits today.

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